The prestigious Eagle Scout award, the pinnacle of achievement within the Boy Scouts of America program, has been attained by a notable group of students from Greenville High School's Class of 2023. Out of the countless Boy Scouts who embark on this challenging journey, only 6% ascend to this esteemed rank. This year's graduating class stands proud with six accomplished Eagle Scouts, and the promise of two more - Nick Trostle and Nate Storrs - soon to join their ranks.
Ryan Arp led a transformative project aimed at rejuvenating the baseball fields at Greenville’s Town Park. Through meticulous efforts, he revitalized the dugouts, concession stand, and announcer's booth, applying fresh coats of paint and restoring a vibrant visual appeal. He also seamlessly incorporated functional improvements, like installing bat and helmet holders inside of the dugouts. Last but not least, Ryan repaired the rotten trim around four key structures to enhance the space.
Colin Augstein oversaw the renewal of the entryway decks and staircases leading to the North Barn Community Room at the Greenville Town Park. He undertook a comprehensive process of pressure washing, board replacement, and staining, ensuring the spaces regained their former charm. Colin collaborated with Steve Erickson of Catskill Mountain Signs and a group of volunteers to create and install a sign that identifies the Community Room.
Andrew Hagan’s project consisted of cleaning roughly 180 headstones and footstones at the Gay Head Cemetary, as well as relocating stones to their proper locations, unearthing buried stones, and repositioning stones as needed. Additionally, he restored the stone wall surrounding the cemetery and rejuvenated the entrances, showcasing a deep respect for heritage.
Ellis Snyder's project had a profound impact on the Greenville Food Pantry, where he introduced efficient innovations. By designing and installing clear signage within Greenville Town Park, the Food Pantry's visibility and accessibility were markedly improved. Additionally, Ellis implemented a digital inventory system that streamlined operations. By creating a digital food inventory system, he eliminated the need for manual recording and simplified the monthly ordering process completed by volunteers.
Micah Hubicki's dedication to the next generation was evident in his project which consisted of refinishing a classroom at the First Baptist Church of Westerlo. Through meticulous repairs, a fresh coat of paint, and thoughtful additions like blinds, window trim, white boards, and a mounted TV, Micah was able to create a functional and engaging space. He also implemented safety measures like child locks on cabinets and outlet covers, as well as anchoring large furniture to the walls. In collaboration with fellow graduate Maddie Wisenburn, Micah introduced a creative "busy board" concept along the walls that combined the desire for art and the need for activity stations.
Chris Hubicki demonstrated technical expertise in his mission to illuminate the sanctuary of the First Baptist Church of Westerlo. Recognizing the significance of proper lighting, Chris installed and programmed new lighting in the sanctuary after a recent renovation left the stage poorly lit for those watching and those leading. The outcome was a luminous sanctuary that not only illuminated the stage but also enhanced the visual experience for all attendees.
The Greenville High School Class of 2023's Eagle Scouts have left an indelible mark through their chosen projects, showcasing leadership, dedication, and community commitment. Their accomplishments stand as a testament to the enduring values of the Boy Scouts program.