QIII Flyer promoting zoom meeting for social media awareness, digital citizenship and cyberbullying

As a parent/caregiver, you lead the charge as a digital role model. Help your child develop a strong digital citizenship foundation while reminding them that their digital tattoo reflects their real and online selves. Parents/Caregivers have an important role to play in providing support and guidance during critical periods. A snapshot of current trends and concerning apps will be provided to equip you in your digital parenting strategy.

• Social Media Update - The most current apps and trends in your children’s social media lives

• Digital Parenting Strategy - How to have important conversations with your child around  social media safety 

• Digital Footprint and Reputation - With their future approaching, recruiters and employers are taking note - What will they find?

• Family Tech Plan - Recommendations for family guidelines and parental controls

DATE: Tuesday, June 7th, 2022
TIME: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (Zoom login opens at 5:30 pm)
LOCATION: Remote via Zoom (info email with meeting ID and passcode to be sent to
all registered attendees on Monday, June 6). 

Parent Flyer with Registration  Link