Click here to be directed to a survey to report Positive results

Taking part in testing is voluntary. Anyone who tests positive on a take-home test should immediately report their results to the school and begin isolating. Families must also report any positive at-home test result through their local department of health county website at or Students and staff members who test on Sunday, 2/27/22 and test positive on an at-home COVID test should stay home on Monday, 2/28/22 and contact their county department of health through their online reporting system.  

Any student or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, must isolate at home for 5 days, where day “0” is the day of symptom onset or (if asymptomatic) the day of collection of the first positive specimen.  At this time, individuals cannot test out of isolation. If asymptomatic at the end of 5 days, or if symptoms are resolving, isolation ends and the individual should wear a well-fitting mask while around others for an additional 5 days. 

Improving symptoms would include no fever for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication, no runny nose and no productive cough.

Thank You.