August 31, 2020
Dear Families,
Today I emailed a welcome letter to all of our K-5 families; I hope that letter provides information that helps each family plan for the opening days of school. I also realize that families participating in remote instruction may need some additional information. Please use the following to assist in your preparation:
Wednesday, September 2, 9:00-11:00 am. Parents of remote learners can pick-up their child’s iPad/Chromebook, math workbook, and other materials that may be provided for the opening days of school (additional materials will be provided at a later date).
Friday, September 11. K-5 remote instruction begins. Teachers will contact parents about the schedule for the first day of school, which will vary based on the grade level of each child. Please look for an email from your child’s teacher. Teachers will include specific information about how students can log into their Google meets and Seesaw profile.
Monday, September 14. Instruction will continue… The beginning of the year is a time for teachers and students to build relationships, learn to use paper, manipulative, and electronic tools. Learning about each other, and the routines that teachers will use will be a priority during the opening days of school (just like their in-person peers).
Ongoing… Teachers will begin the year with lessons in reading, writing, math, language, and social/emotional learning. As we build their familiarity with content and routines, we will begin to include science and social studies content. Students who are using the remote model will use the same materials (electronic devices, handwriting books, reader’s notebooks, writer’s notebooks, math workbooks) as in-person students. Students will also have remote access to elementary guidance, library, and instrumental music programs.
Parents can help children prepare for remote learning by preparing their at-home “office” space. The workspace should be free of distractions and allow them quick access to adult helpers (if needed). Although teachers will be seen (via devices) by parents/adults throughout the day, we ask that parents not interrupt instruction to “ask a quick question.” Teachers will offer times when they can respond to emails or questions from home. Please feel welcome to ask directly, as answers found on social media or previous experience may not be accurate.
The work expectations for students who are instructed remotely will be like the work that is completed in the classroom. Remote students are expected to be present, engaged, and productive during instruction; and homework will be assigned at the same level as in-class peers. Teachers will monitor progress as needed to provide children and their parents feedback on a regular basis.
The instructional day for remote students will begin at 7:55 each day, and students are expected to log into their Google meet between 7:55 and 8:10. Students who arrive after 8:10 will be marked “tardy.” Attendance records will reflect: absent, tardy, present, and early dismissal; same as in-school peers. Students on remote instruction are eligible for recognition for good attendance and perfect attendance.
Teachers will share their students' specific schedules next week. Students should expect the following activities each day:
Morning tasks as children “arrive”
Morning Meeting/Character Education
Reader’s Workshop
Writer’s Workshop
Read Aloud
Small group meets
Special area classes, such as Art, Music, and Physical Education
These activities will be interspersed with work breaks (varied based on the age of the children), lunch/recess periods, and group-based social activities. Homework will be required on a regular basis.
Please look forward to your child’s (on-line) Open House date, as this will be an opportunity to review important communication routines that will be used to keep you informed of your child’s learning.