June 15, 2020

Dear Families,

Fourth Quarter grades are now available for elementary students.  Previously we shared that classroom teachers would be using a modified grading scale for the content taught during the fourth marking period:

C - Complete:  The student completed assigned work and demonstrated appropriate/expected 

levels of evidence of learning

W - Working Toward:  The student was either:

  • Inconsistent in their commitment/ability to complete assigned work, or

  • Completed work, but the student’s skills and progress are still developing

I - Incomplete:  The student did not participate in the instruction that was provided by their 

teacher.  The student demonstrated limited participation in Google Meets, did not submit images of completed work, Google Doc assignments, or paper copies as requested by their teachers.

Teachers will complete the report card “squares” only for the standards that were a priority/focus area during the fourth marking period (the areas we spent time teaching new content). Teachers will not complete “squares” for standards that were already addressed in quarters 1-3.  

For example, the report card section below shows that a student had NO MARK in the fourth quarter box next to “Determines the main idea of the text…” since this content was not addressed in the fourth marking period. The child’s work was developing in quarters 2 and 3, but this content was not a focus standard for the fourth marking period.

The second row is focused on a new learning standard: “Uses information from two texts…” This standard is marked with a “C” which indicates that the student not only completed assigned work but demonstrated a good understanding of the material related to this standard.

Sample Report Card:

Determines the main idea of the text: recounts the key details and explains how it is supported by key details; summarizes the text




Uses information from two texts to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably





As previously noted, Art, Music, and Physical Education teachers are not able to provide a fair evaluation of student growth due to the limits of remote learning. Therefore, a summary of the content/learning standards that were addressed is provided:


During remote learning, students were presented with lessons that deepened their understanding of the Elements of Art (color, line, shape, texture, form, space, and value). We continued to focus on the New York State Standards for Art which included creating, responding, presenting, and connecting.


During the 3rd and 4th marking periods, music teachers met with students via Google Meet, shared songs, and led music activities. Students completed music worksheets and posted their work. Students were provided with interactive music apps, videos/links, and virtual music-based field trips. Students were encouraged to create musical instruments and share their creations via a collaborative video. 

Physical Education

In the 3rd and 4th marking period, students participated in various daily indoor and outdoor physical activities that are aligned with the National Physical Education Standards. During remote learning, PE teachers participated in Google Meets and emphasized the connection between physical activity and students’ overall health. Students were encouraged to understand their responsibility to maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.   

Please feel welcome to contact either of us via the elementary office with any questions or needs (518.966.5070 ext 301).


Peter Mahan Daniel Hash

Elementary Principal K-12 Principal